Chapter 5: Analysis

In this tutorial you will get to know the different measuring tools for analysis by measuring unparameterized blocks and their construction elements in order to be able to model them independently.


Most of the measurements described use the Measure function. Here you will find an overview of the measurement methods covered. However, some specialized measurement and analysis functions represent their own commands.

Distance between two points or objects
Distance between two points or objects in projection direction
Length of edges and curves
Radii and diameter
Distance between two points in 2D view
Angle between two edges
Angle between two elements
Angle between defined by three points
Angle between two elements in 2D view
Flächen und Volumen  
Measures volume, mass, surface etc. of a body.
Measures the surface area, edge length, etc. of a surface.
Compares two geometries with each other and indicates deviations in colour.