2.8 Searching the data base

You can search for items in Teamcenter, as well as in NX. While Teamcenter offers very advanced options to look for files, NX is limited to searching for Item-IDs. This is why you'll now learn to use the various search options in Teamcenter.

In the upper menu bar, click alt to start your search. (figure "Teamcenter menu")


In the Search-Window click alt and choose Item. Subsequently, a menu pops up (figure "search bar").

In this menu you can define different search criterea. The most important ones are TypeOwningUser and Owning Group  (figure "search criteria"):

  • Type: Defines the type of the required file (e.g. "Folder" or "Item").
    For example, enter "Item" for Type, to search explicitly for items.
  • Owning Group: Only objects owned by a certain group are searched.

It's practical to sort your search results. To do so, press before starting your search. You can select how your results are sorted in the window that pops up, and if you want to list in ascending or descending order.

Click alt to start your search.

You can use " * " as a placeholder for single, multiple or no character(s). For example, if you search *NX*, Teamcenter should display every item that contains NX in its title. Searching in Teamcenter is not case-sensitive.

  • To find items during exam phases or exercises, enter an Owning User when searching. The relevant owning user is given during exam phases or exercises. As Type select Item.
    If you do not know the respective owning groups, just leave this field empty.


The result of your search is displayed in a new window. (figure "search result")

To open an Item directly from NX, follow these Steps: In NX, click File -> Open. (refer figure "Open Part File").
If you know the ID of the item you want to open, you can type it in "Number" on the lower left. Confirm by pressing Enter (refer figure "Open Part File - ID"). Press Enter or click OK to open the item.
If you don't know the items ID, choose Advanced Search in the window Open Part file (refer figure "Advanced Search"). You can now search for Items as you would in Teamcenter.

  • To open an item in NX directly, mark it in Teamcenter (highlighted blue) and  then click the NX button.